European Premiere

Dust In The Wind

Year of production 2022

Countries of production China

Duration 15 min

Genres Drama

Language(s) Chinese

With English subtitles

Director Zhishui Lin

Producer Jingyong Sun


A writer came to a temple. After some losses, she dropped her obsessions and returned to the nature.

Director’s bio

Lin Zhishui, graduated from the school of Journalism and communication, Xiamen University, with a master's degree.

2013,copy editor of<global screen>magazine;

From 2014 to now, a screenwriter.

Curator Note

Director’s statement

<Dust in the wind>tells a story like a dream. The style of the film is exquisite and natural,with oriental aesthetics and mysteries.Use more natural light and focus on photography, as well as the authenticity of performance and sound. No matter what happens in the human world, nature is what it is. The emptiness of the universe contains infinite existence. If life is an experience, you don't have to go too deep into the play. It's affectionate to see yourself at the end of the film and stare as a bystander.


Zhishui Lin, Fang Fang, Ruiyi Fu


Cinematography:Xiaomin Shen

Editing:Tingting Ye

Music:Xiaoli Wan

Sound:Zhouyi Liu